New Testament Lesson 33 (Romans 1–6)
August 7–13


When Was the Epistle to the Romans Written?

● During Paul’s third missionary journey he spent 3 months in Corinth, probably waiting for good sailing conditions before departing for Jerusalem (Acts 20:2–3).

● From clues within the epistle, we deduce that the letter to Rome was written from Corinth near the end of the third journey, most likely during the winter months of AD 57–58 (Romans 16:35).

● The epistle was sent to Rome with Phebe, a church member from Cenchrea.

— Phebe was a member of the Church from Cenchrea, the port town south of Corinth (Romans 16:1–2). She had assisted Paul in the work before this time, and now carried Paul’s letter to Rome.

— Paul had apparently become acquainted with many Roman Saints, probably in Corinth and Ephesus (Romans 16:3–15). Twenty-eight individuals, a number of them women, are mentioned by name. Some may even have been relatives of Paul.

Why Was the Epistle to the Romans Written?

● Paul was alerting the Saints of his intent to visit them.

● The reports from Rome were positive. The Saints were believing, growing, testifying.

● But with Paul’s concern for the growing threat of false teachers, Romans contains a powerful defense of true righteousness and of salvation based on faith in Jesus Christ.

To Whom Was the Epistle to the Romans Written?

● Romans presupposes gospel knowledge, so it was written to the Saints, not investigators.

Significant Contributions of the Epistle to the Romans

● It defines the gospel and summarizes the process by which full salvation comes.

● It speaks plainly of Adam’s fall, bringing death, and Christ’s atoning sacrifice, bringing life.

● It tells how the law of justification works: by faith and works, through the blood of Christ.

● It contains some of the most explicit Biblical teachings on:
— The election of grace
— The status of the chosen race
— Why salvation cannot come by the law of Moses alone
— Why circumcision was done away in Christ
— How and why salvation was taken to the Gentiles

● It is a chief source of the glorious doctrine of joint-heirship with Christ.

Being Unashamed of the Gospel of Christ

● The Theme of Romans: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek” (Romans 1:16).

● The theme and language of Romans parallels Galatians, but the tone is vastly different. Here Paul mentions the faithful reputation of the Saints, their beloved standing before God, and his unceasing prayers for them (Romans 1:7–13).


The Wicked World

● A description of the pagans and their prideful ignorance (Romans 1:18–25).

● A clear declaration against homosexual behavior (Romans 1:26–28).

— “Convenient” is King James English for the Greek word meaning “fitting” or “proper.” The opposite of the elect is the reprobate or depraved (v. 28).

● Paul listed characteristics of the reprobate (Romans 1:29–32). “Whispers” refers to gossip.


How Our Faith Is Measured

● About 20% of this epistle deals with faith and grace and about 30% with works. These two terms are used more often in Romans than in any other New Testament scripture.

● Paul was speaking to both Jews and Gentiles, emphasizing different aspects of the gospel to each group, according to what each needed to hear.

— To Jews: Emphasis on justification by grace, apart from the works of the law.
— To Pagans: Emphasis on avoiding evil works and being judged by our actions.

The Importance of Works (Romans 2:6–3:2)

● Paul spoke of the importance of works (Romans 2:6–10). Those churches today that make much of Paul’s doctrines of justification by faith and salvation by grace either skip or gloss over the powerful teaching of Paul in these verses.

— “Deeds” is from the Greek word ergon, which is translated in the New Testament 20 times as “deeds” but more than 150 times as “works” (v. 6).

● We will be judged by our deeds (Romans 2:11–15).

— Not the hearers, but the doers of the law will be justified (v. 13).
— All men’s deeds will be judged by gospel standards (vv. 14–15).

● Note the clarification in the JST—inner motivations and outward motions are both critical in bringing disciples closer to God (Romans 3:1–2).

● “Where no law is, there is no transgression” (Romans 4:15).

● “Where there is no law given there is no punishment” (2 Nephi 9:25).

● All men will be judged by the gospel standard because it has been given to them and written in their hearts (2 Nephi 2:11–15). (See additional information on this topic under Doctrinal Insights below.)

The Law of Justification

● No living soul is sinless (Romans 3:10–12, 23).

● Since we violate the law, we are disobedient and therefore cannot be justified by obedience (Romans 3:20).

● What does it mean to be justified?
— The Greek word means “to be declared righteous.”
— It means to be reconciled to God, pardoned from punishment for sin, and declared righteous and guiltless.

● Why do we need to be justified?
— Unless we are pardoned, we cannot live with God (Alma 7:21).

The Necessity of Grace

● We receive justification through Christ’s atoning grace (Romans 3:24, 28).
— An individual is justified only through the grace of Christ (JST Romans 3:24).

● What Is grace?
— Divine help through the “goodwill,” “favor,” or “spiritual generosity” of God.

● Christ’s grace gives us hope despite our weakness (Romans 5:1–2).
— Even our best efforts will not be enough to make us pure (Mosiah 2:20–21).
— God gave us weaknesses to keep us humble, then provided a way for us to be forgiven through grace (Ether 12:26–27).
— Christ’s atonement pays the debt for our sins (2 Nephi 2:6–8).

● How is grace obtained? Is mere confession of faith enough?

— Two verses of scripture (Romans 10:9–10) are often quoted by those who believe that we are saved by the grace of God alone, and that we can do nothing to promote our own salvation .

— This is a gross misinterpretation of what Paul was saying in these verses. Paul was talking about Israel’s rejection of the gospel. He pointed out that while the Jews were zealous for God (that is, eagerly trying to be obedient to his commandments), they hade missed a vital point of the gospel by trying to rely on their own righteousness alone.

— Paul then quoted from the Old Testament to show that no man could accomplish what Christ did in coming down from heaven and overcoming death, no matter how hard he tried.

— To qualify for salvation, Paul said we must confess the Lord openly before the world with a heart that “believeth unto righteousness” (v. 10).

— The “heart” (kardia) in Greek meant man’s inner self. “Believing with the heart” was an idiom that implied much more than intellectual assent. It implied an inner change as demonstrated by behavior. Confession with the mouth was not sufficient.

— We are saved by the grace of Christ, “after all we can do” (2 Nephi 25:23).
— But faith alone is not enough; works demonstrate our faith (Romans 3:31).
— We demonstrate our faith by our works (James 2:14–20).

● The JST version clarifies this otherwise very confusing verse (JST Romans 4:16). We are justified by faith and works thru the grace of Christ.

● Faith and grace help us bear tribulation with hope (Romans 5:1–5).

● The connection between Adam, Christ, and the Atonement (Romans 5:11–21).

● “The law entered, that the offense might abound” (Romans 5:20).

— The Greek word Paul used here that is translated “entered” means literally “to come in by the side of.” In classical Greek it was often used of actors in the theaters who played a supporting role and who would come on stage from the wings, play their part, and disappear again. Such a word used to describe the law of Moses points out the same things that Paul suggested in Galatians when he called the law a “schoolmaster.” (Galatians 3:24).


All men will be judged by the Gospel law. Elder Bruce R. McConkie said: “All men—all living souls, whether they have knowledge of gospel law or not—shall be judged by the law of the gospel. . . . Gentiles who have not the law given them by revelation, nonetheless have the law written in their hearts so that their minds and consciences bear record that they should not violate the laws of God [verse 15]. This is another and quite an expressive way of saying that ‘the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil.’ (Moroni 7:16; D&C 84:46). Hence every man, in and out of the Church, whether he has the gospel law or not, is accountable for his deeds and will be judged by gospel standards.”1

We are saved by the grace of Jesus Christ. Elder Joseph Fielding Smith said: “It is by the grace of Jesus Christ that we are saved. And had he not come into the world, and laid down his life that he might take it again, or as he said in another place, to give us life that we may have it more abundantly we would still be subject to death and be in our sins. . . . So it is easy to understand that we must accept the mission of Jesus Christ. We must believe that it is through his grace that we are saved, that he performed for us that labor which we were unable to perform for ourselves, and did for us those things which were essential to our salvation, which were beyond our power; and also that we are under the commandment and the necessity of performing the labors that are required of us as set forth in the commandments known as the gospel of Jesus Christ.”2

Elder Bruce R. McConkie said: “What price must men pay for this precious gift [of salvation]? Not conformity to Mosaic standards, not compliance with the ordinances and performances of a dead law, but the price of faith, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, faith that includes within itself enduring works of righteousness, which faith cannot so much as exist unless and until men conform their lives to gospel standards. Does salvation come, then, by works? No, not by the works of the law of Moses, and for that matter, not even by the more perfect works of the gospel itself. Salvation comes through Christ’s atonement, through the ransom he paid. . . .”3

Works are also required. The Prophet Joseph Smith said: “Any person who is exalted to the highest mansion has to abide a celestial law, and the whole law, too. . . . To get salvation we must not only do some things, but everything which God has commanded. . . . obey God in just what He tells us to do.”4


1.  Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 3 vols. [1966–73], 2:222.
2.  Doctrines of Salvation, comp. Elder Bruce R. McConkie, 3 vols. [1954–56], 2:309–311.
3.  Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 2:231.
4.  Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, sel. Elder Joseph Fielding Smith [1976], 331–332.

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