Church History Lesson 25 (D&C 26; 28; 43; 50; 52)
June 12-18

During the early years of the Church, some members were deceived and led into apostasy. A few members who apostatized became enemies of the Church and contributed to the persecutions of the Saints in Ohio and Missouri. As members of the Church today we must be faithful and watchful so we are not deceived.

The characteristics of those who will avoid deception, and of those who will not are discussed in D&C 52:14–19; 48:8–27. Those who have not been deceived will “abide the day of the Lord”—the Second Coming (D&C 45:56–57).


Satan wants to deceive us and lead us into apostasy in a variety of ways (D&C 50:2-3; 2 Nephi 2:18, 27).

By False Spirits Among Us

False spirits seek to confuse and deceive us (D&C 50:1–3). We may think we are experiencing manifestations from God when we are not.

Parley P. Pratt provided this early example:

“As I went forth among the different branches, some very strange spiritual operations were manifested, which were disgusting, rather than edifying. Some persons would seem to swoon away, and make unseemly gestures, and be drawn or disfigured in their countenances. Others would fall into ecstacies, and be drawn into contortions, cramp, fits, etc. Others would seem to have visions and revelations, which were not edifying, and which were not congenial to the doctrine and spirit of the gospel. In short, a false and lying spirit seemed to be creeping into the Church.

“All these things were new and strange to me, and had originated in the Church during our absence, and previous to the arrival of President Joseph Smith from New York.  Feeling our weakness and inexperience, and lest we should err in judgment concerning these spiritual phenomena, myself, John Murdock, and several other Elders, went to Joseph Smith, and asked him to inquire of the Lord concerning these spirits or manifestations.”1

By Criticizing Leaders

Some members are deceived because they become critical of Church leaders’ imperfections.  For example, Simonds Ryder was converted to the Church in 1831. Later he received a letter signed by the Prophet Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon, informing him that it was the Lord’s will, made manifest by the Spirit, that he preach the gospel. Both in the letter he received and in the official commission to preach, his name was spelled Rider instead of Ryder. Simonds Ryder “thought if the ‘Spirit’ through which he had been called to preach could err in the matter of spelling his name, it might have erred in calling him to the ministry as well; or, in other words, he was led to doubt if he were called at all by the Spirit of God, because of the error in spelling his name!”2 He later apostatized from the Church.

By Not Following the Prophet

During the early years of the Church, many people claimed to receive revelations to guide the Church or sought to correct the Prophet Joseph Smith (D&C 28:2, 6-7; 43:1–3). D&C 28 was revealed when Hiram Page claimed to receive revelations for the entire Church, and D&C 43 was revealed when others made similar claims.

D&C 28   Just months after the organization of the Church, returned to Harmony, Pennsylvania. While there, he received a letter from Oliver Cowdery which gave him both “sorrow and uneasiness.”

The Prophet Joseph Smith said, “He wrote to inform me that he had discovered an error in one of the commandments —Book of Doctrine and Covenants: (D&C 20:37) ‘And truly manifest by their works that they have received of the Spirit of Christ unto a remission of their sins.’ The above quotation, he said, was erroneous, and added: ‘I command you in the name of God to erase those words, that no priestcraft be amongst us!’ I immediately wrote to him in reply, in which I asked him by what authority he took upon him to command me to alter or erase, to add to or diminish from, a revelation or commandment from Almighty God.

“A few days afterwards I visited him and Mr. Whitmer’s family, when I found the family in general of his opinion concerning the words above quoted, and it was not without both labor and perseverance that I could prevail with any of them to reason calmly on the subject. However, Christian Whitmer at length became convinced that the sentence was reasonable, and according to Scripture; and finally, with his assistance, I succeeded in bringing, not only the Whitmer family, but also Oliver Cowdery to acknowledge that they had been in error, and that the sentence in dispute was in accordance with the rest of the commandment.”3

This was not the end of their confusion. Peter Whitmer, Sr., invited Joseph and Emma to live with him in Fayette, New York. They arrived at Fayette during the last week of August, 1830 “amidst the congratulations of our brethren and friends.” There he discovered that Hiram Page, one of the Eight Witnesses to the Book of Mormon, possessed a stone through which he claimed to receive revelations about the building of Zion and the order of the Church. Oliver Cowdery, the Whitmers, and others believed these claims, which were “entirely at variance with the order of God’s house, as laid down in the New Testament, as well as in our late revelations.”4

The Prophet Joseph Smith said, “As a conference meeting had been appointed for the 26th day of September, I thought it wisdom not to do much more than to converse with the brethren on the subject, until the conference should meet. Finding, however, that many especially the Whitmer family and Oliver Cowdery, were believing much in the things set forth by this stone, we thought best to inquire of the Lord concerning so important a matter; and before conference, we received the following” [D&C 28].5

In this revelation, the Lord made it clear that only the President of the Church has the right to receive revelations for the Church.

Because of Pride

Some early members are deceived because of their pride. Pride led Thomas B. Marsh, who was President of the Quorum of the Twelve, and his wife, Elizabeth, into apostasy.  He had been warned concerning pride in D&C 112, a revelation given earlier to him through the Prophet Joseph Smith. It contains promises of the Lord to those who humble themselves before Him (D&C 112:2-3, 10; Ether 12:27).

While living in Far West, Missouri, Sister Marsh and Sister Harris decided to exchange milk so they could each make a larger cheese than they otherwise could. They agreed to send each other both the milk and the cream from their cows. But Sister Marsh saved a pint of cream from each cow and sent Sister Harris the milk without the cream. A quarrel arose, and the matter was referred to the bishop. When he determined that Sister Marsh had violated her agreement, she and her husband were upset and appealed the matter to the high council and then to the First Presidency. Each council approved the original decision that Sister Marsh had been in error.

Thomas B. Marsh declared that he would sustain the character of his wife. Soon afterward, he turned against the Church and went before a government official to declare that the Latter-day Saints were hostile toward the state of Missouri.6

President Gordon B. Hinckley said, “What a very small and trivial thing-a little cream over which two women quarreled. But it led to, or at least was a factor in, Governor Boggs’ cruel exterminating order which drove the Saints from the state of Missouri, with all of the terrible suffering and consequent death that followed. The man who should have settled this little quarrel, but who, rather, pursued it,…lost his standing in the Church. He lost his testimony of the gospel.”7

After 19 years of darkness and bitterness, Thomas B. Marsh repented and returned to the Church in Utah.

By Becoming Offended by Others

Some Church members become offended by the actions of other members and allowed such feelings to fester until they were led into apostasy. When the Kirtland Temple was completed, many Saints gathered for the dedication. The seats in the temple filled quickly, and many people were allowed to stand, but still not everyone could be accommodated inside the building. Elder Frazier Eaton, who had given $700 for the building of the temple, arrived after it had been filled, so he was not allowed inside for the dedication. The dedication was repeated the next day for those who could not be accommodated the first day, but this did not satisfy Frazier Eaton, and he apostatized.8

The Lord requires us to forgive everyone (D&C 64:8-11; 82:1).  Sometimes it is difficult to be forgiving, but the consequences of not forgiving someone are that we ourselves will not be forgiven by the Lord.

Through Disobedience

Rationalizing is excusing or defending unacceptable behavior. It is a form of deception as we look for a way to ease our consciences for doing something we know is wrong. Through rationalizing, we reject the commandments of God and accept the false notions of the world, such as:

•    The commandments of God are too restrictive.
•    Immorality is acceptable.
•    Material possessions are more important than spiritual things.

Presiding Bishop H. David Burton said, “One of [Satan’s] insidious strategies is to progressively soften our senses regarding what is right and wrong. Satan would have us convinced that it is fashionable to lie and cheat. He encourages us to view pornography by suggesting that it prepares us for the real world. He would have us believe that immorality is an attractive way of life and that obedience to the commandments of our Father in Heaven is old-fashioned. Satan constantly bombards us with deceptive propaganda desirably packaged and carefully disguised.”9


By Following the Prophet

Only the Prophet is authorized to receive revelations for the Church (D&C 28:1–8). President Joseph F. Smith and his counselors in the First Presidency taught, “The Lord has . . . appointed one man at a time on the earth to hold the keys of revelation to the entire body of the Church in all its organizations, authorities, ordinances and doctrines. The spirit of revelation is bestowed upon all its members for the benefit and enlightenment of each individual receiving its inspiration, and according to the sphere in which he or she is called to labor. But for the entire Church, he who stands at the head is alone appointed to receive revelations by way of commandment and as the end of controversy.”10

We must avoid being deceived by those who claim falsely to have received revelation for the Church (D&C 43:4-7).

By Sustaining Leaders

The principle of common consent is the practice of showing that we are willing to sustain those who are called to serve in the Church, usually by raising our right hands (D&C 26:2; 28:13).  This allows us to know who has been called to preside and administer in the Church, thus keeping us from being deceived by the claims of those who have not been properly called.

By Studying the Scriptures

Throughout the Doctrine and Covenants, the Lord teaches the importance of studying the scriptures (D&C 1:37; 33:16). We can better discern the truthfulness of ideas by comparing them with the truths we learn from the scriptures and our current leaders.

President Harold B. Lee said, “If [someone] writes something or speaks something that goes beyond anything that you can find in the standard Church works, unless that one be the prophet, seer, and revelator-please note that one exception—you may immediately say, ‘Well, that is his own idea.’ And if he says something that contradicts what is found in the standard Church works, you may know by that same token that it is false.”11

Scripture study strengthens our testimonies so we are less likely to become complacent in righteousness or to be influenced by false doctrine. President Lee said, “If we’re not reading the scriptures daily, our testimonies are growing thinner, our spirituality isn’t increasing in depth.”12

By Seeking That Which Edifies

The things of God will always edify us. The Prophet Joseph Smith said, [Soon after the Saints were settled in Kirtland,] “many false spirits were introduced, many strange visions were seen, and wild, enthusiastic notions were entertained; men ran out of doors under the influence of this spirit, and some of them got upon the stumps of trees and shouted, and all kinds of extravagances were entered into by them; . . . many ridiculous things were entered into, calculated to bring disgrace upon the Church of God, to cause the Spirit of God to be withdrawn.”13

Concerned by these excessive spiritual displays, the Prophet inquired of the Lord, and received a revelation (D&C 50). In it, the Lord tells us how to discern the source of a manifestation (D&C 50:31-32).

Both preachers and hearers need to be enlightened by the Spirit; otherwise, no communication of spiritual truth is possible (D&C 50:15–22).  The things of God will edify us by enlightening our minds and helping us grow spiritually (D&C 50:17-24). They make us want to follow the Savior and improve our lives. The things of Satan will do the opposite.

That which does not edify is not of God (D&C 50:23–25). President Elder Joseph Fielding Smith said, “There is no saying of greater truth than ‘that which doth not edify is not of God.’ And that which is not of God is darkness, it matters not whether it comes in the guise of religion, ethics, philosophy or revelation. No revelation from God will fail to edify.”14

Discernment of Spirits (D&C 46:23, 27–29; D&C 50).  The gift of discernment is one of the most important spiritual gifts, and is the main subject of D&C 50. Note that the bishop discerns what is of God (v. 27).

Additional Ways to Strengthen Ourselves Against Apostasy

Elder Carlos E. Asay of the Seventy listed things we can do to avoid apostasy:

“1.    Avoid those who would tear down your faith. . . .
“2.    Keep the commandments. . . .
“3.    Follow the living prophets. . . .
“4.    Do not contend or debate over points of doctrine. [See 3 Nephi 11:29] “5.    Search the scriptures. . . .
“6.    Do not be swayed or diverted from the mission of the Church. . . .
“7.    Pray for your enemies. . . .
“8.    Practice ‘pure religion.’ [See James 1:27 and Alma 1:30]. . . .
“9.    Remember that there may be many questions for which we have no answers and that some things have to be accepted simply on faith.”15

1.  Autobiography of Parley P. Pratt, 61–62.
2.  History of the Church, 1:261.
3.  History of the Church, 1:105.
4.  History of the Church, 1:110.
5.  History of the Church, 1:108–110.
6.  See George A. Smith, in Journal of Discourses, 3:283-284.
7.  In Conference Report, Apr. 1984, 111; or Ensign, May 1984, 83.
8.  See George A. Smith, in Journal of Discourses, 11:9.
9.  In Conference Report, Apr. 1993, 60; or Ensign, May 1993, 46.
10. In James R. Clark, comp., Messages of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 4:270.
11.  The Teachings of President Harold B. Lee, edited by Clyde J. Williams [1996], 540-541.
12.  The Teachings of President Harold B. Lee, 152.
13.  History of the Church, 4:580.
14.  Church History and Modern Revelation, 4 vols. [1946–1949], 1:201-202.
15.  In Conference Report, Oct. 1981, 93-94; or Ensign, Nov. 1981, 67-68.

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