New Testament Study Guide, Pt. 3: The Epistles and Book of Revelation


An unusually large volume, it covers most of the Book of Acts, the New Testament epistles, and the Book of Revelation. We read of Saul’s conversion and then follow him as the Apostle Paul as he takes his five major journeys throughout the Mediterranean area. This volume is the third of three study guides on the New Testament.

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This volume is the third of three study guides on the New Testament. An unusually large volume, it covers most of the Book of Acts, the New Testament epistles, and the Book of Revelation. We read of Saul’s conversion and then follow him as the Apostle Paul as he takes his five major journeys throughout the Mediterranean area. The book of Acts provides the historical context to his journeys.

Along the way, we read his teachings in his 14 marvelous epistles to early Church members. Eventually, we follow Paul to Rome where he was martyred for the cause of Christ. This volume also covers the epistles of James, Peter, John, and Jude. And finally, we read the Book of Revelation—John’s apocalyptic messages written while he was on the Isle of Patmos.

The cover features a classic painting of “St. Paul at His Writing Desk,” painted by Rembrandt in 1692.

Table of Contents

30a. Paul’s Ministry, Methods, & Messages (Acts 1-5)


30b. Paul’s 1st Mission & Events at Jerusalem (Acts 13-15)


31a. Paul’s 2nd Mission (Acts 15-18)
31b. Paul’s First Epistles (1 & 2 Thessalonians)


32. Living in the Spirit (Acts 18-20; Galatians)
33. The Temple of God (1 Corinthians 1-6)
34. Keeping the Ordinances (1 Corinthians 11-16)
35. Reconciliation to God Thru Christ (2 Corinthians)
36. Epistle to the Romans (Acts 20; Romans)


37. Faith in Jesus Christ (Hebrews)
38. Jerusalem & Paul’s Journey to Rome (Acts 21-28)
39. Perfecting the Saints (Ephesians)
40. Our Possibilities through Christ (Philip; Colos; Phil)
41. Paul’s Pastoral Epistles & Death (1 & 2 Timothy; Titus)


42. The Epistle of James (James)
43. The Epistles of Peter (1 & 2 Peter)
44. The Epistles of John & Jude (1-3 John; Jude)


45. Rev. Pt.1: Understanding & Introduction (Rev.1 – 3)
46a. Rev. Pt.2: John’s Visions & Prophecies (Rev. 4-7, 10-12, 14)
46b. Rev. Pt.3: End of the World & Millennium (Rev. 8-9, 13-22)

** Special chapters providing additional information

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New Testament


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