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Daily “Come, Follow Me” Scripture and Quote – Book of Mormon, Lesson 24, Day 6

By June 11, 2022No Comments

Alma and Amulek Are Spared Because Their Work Is Not Yet Done

Alma 14:12–13  

12 Now Amulek said unto Alma: Behold, perhaps they will burn us also.
13 And Alma said: Be it according to the will of the Lord.  But, behold, our work is not finished; therefore they burn us not.

Elder Richard G. Scott said:

“The example of Alma and Amulek is enlightening. While striving to do good among the people of Ammonihah, they were taken captive. Amulek trusted his more seasoned companion, Alma, who led him to greater confidence in the Lord. Forced to observe women and children consumed by fire, Amulek said, ‘Perhaps they will burn us also.’ Alma answered, ‘Be it according to the will of the Lord’—a vital principle. ‘But . . . our work is not finished; therefore they burn us not’ [Alma 14:12–13; emphasis added].”

(“To Be Healed,” Ensign, May 1994, 8.)

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