
Pack your item securely, inserting any paperwork that was included when you received your original product. If you don’t have the original product paperwork, include a statement as to when you purchased your product, where you purchased your product from, and how much you paid for the product (including sales tax).

Return Items to the Following Address:

3378 E. Sweetwater Springs Drive
Washington, UT 84780

Ship your return based on the shipping option you selected when you purchased your item.
Please don’t consolidate returns. Return orders individually, using a separate return label for each order.

Once MPTP receives your returned item and verifies that it qualifies for a refund or replacement, we will send the refund or replacement to the address indicated below.

Allow up to two weeks from the time you shipped your item for the refund or replacement to be processed.

MPTP will review the return request before issuing a refund or replacement. If you have not included the original paperwork, and we cannot find your order in our system, you will not qualify for a refund or replacement.
