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Book of MormonDaily Posting“Come, Follow Me”Post Type

Daily “Come, Follow Me” Scripture and Quote – Book of Mormon, Lesson 35, Day 7

By August 28, 2022No Comments

Samuel the Lamanite Flees from the Land of Zarahemla and Returns to His Own People

Helaman 16:7–8

7 And as they went forth to lay their hands on him, behold, he did cast himself down from the wall, and did flee out of their lands, yea, even unto his own country, and began to preach and to prophesy among his own people.
8 And behold, he was never heard of more among the Nephites; and thus were the affairs of the people.

President Spencer W. Kimball said:

“Has the world ever seen a more classic example of indomitable will, of faith and courage than that displayed by Samuel the Prophet . . . ? Visualize, if you can, this despised Lamanite standing on the walls of Zarahemla and while arrows and stones were shot at him, crying out to his . . . accusers that the sword of justice hung over them. So righteous was he that God sent an angel to visit him. His predictions were fulfilled in due time relating to the early coming of Christ, His ministry, death and resurrection, and the eventual destruction of these Nephite people. So great faith had he that the multitudes could not harm him until his message was delivered and so important was his message that subsequently the Savior required a revision of the records to include his prophecies concerning the resurrection of the Saints.”

(In Conference Report, Apr. 1949, 109.)

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