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Daily “Come, Follow Me” Scripture and Quote – Church History, Lesson 43, Day 2

By October 18, 2022No Comments

The Voice of the Lord

Doctrine and Covenants 68:1–4

1 My servant, Orson Hyde, was called by his ordination to proclaim the everlasting gospel, by the Spirit of the living God, from people to people, and from land to land, in the congregations of the wicked, in their synagogues, reasoning with and expounding all scriptures unto them.
2 And, behold, and lo, this is an ensample unto all those who were ordained unto this priesthood, whose mission is appointed unto them to go forth—
3 And this is the ensample unto them, that they shall speak as they are moved upon by the Holy Ghost.
4 And whatsoever they shall speak when moved upon by the Holy Ghost shall be scripture, shall be the will of the Lord, shall be the mind of the Lord, shall be the word of the Lord, shall be the voice of the Lord, and the power of God unto salvation.

President Harold B. Lee said:

“I am sure that many people came to this conference with many questions on their minds, seeking to know the answers to some of the troublesome things about them, wanting to know what to do in this case or in that case, how to act under these circumstances. As we have listened to their questions, we have remembered what the Lord said . . .

“In [a] great revelation He explained something . . . that [He] would have the Saints remember today. Where are you going to go to hear and find out what the Lord wants you to do today? The Lord declared . . . :

“‘And this is the ensample unto them [He is talking now to those who are leaders of the Church], that they shall speak as they are moved upon by the Holy Ghost.

“‘And whatsoever they shall speak when moved upon by the Holy Ghost shall be scripture, shall be the will of the Lord, shall be the mind of the Lord, shall be the voice of the Lord, and the power of God unto salvation’ (D&C 68:3–4). . . .

“Now, you Latter-day Saints, I think you have never attended a conference where . . . you have heard more inspired declarations on most every subject and problem about which you have been worrying. If you want to know what the Lord would have the Saints know and to have His guidance and direction for the next six months, get a copy of the proceedings of this conference, and you will have the latest word of the Lord as far as the Saints are concerned. And [also] all others who are not of us, but who believe what has been said has been ‘the mind of the Lord, the will of the Lord, and the voice of the Lord, and the power of God unto salvation’ (see D&C 68:4).”

(“Closing Remarks,” Ensign, Jan. 1974, 126, 128.)

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