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Book of MormonDaily Posting“Come, Follow Me”Post Type

Daily “Come, Follow Me” Scripture and Quote – Book of Mormon, Lesson 47, Day 4

By November 17, 2022No Comments

The Church “Did Meet Together Oft”

Moroni 6:5–6

5 And the church did meet together oft, to fast and to pray, and to speak one with another concerning the welfare of their souls.
6 And they did meet together oft to partake of bread and wine, in remembrance of the Lord Jesus.

Elder Melvin J. Ballard said:

“No man goes away from this Church and becomes an apostate in a week, nor in a month. It is a slow process. The one thing that would make for the safety of every man and woman would be to appear at the sacrament table every Sabbath day. We would not get very far away in a week—not so far away that, by the process of self-investigation, we could not rectify the wrongs we may have done. If we should refrain from partaking of the sacrament, condemned by ourselves as unworthy to receive these emblems, we could not endure that long, and we would soon, I am sure, have the spirit of repentance. The road to the sacrament table is the path of safety for Latter-day Saints.”

(“The Sacramental Covenant,” Improvement Era, Oct. 1919, 1028.)

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