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Daily Posting“Come, Follow Me”New TestamentPost Type

Daily “Come, Follow Me” Scripture and Quote – New Testament, Lesson 47, Day 7

By November 20, 2022No Comments

“The Angels Which Kept Not Their First Estate”

Jude 1:6

6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

Elder L. Lionel Kendrick said:

“Lucifer used his divine gift of agency to make a decision that would lead to his eternal damnation. In bold opposition, he rebelled against God and ‘kept not his first estate’ [Abraham 3:28 ]. ‘A third part of the hosts of heaven turned he away from me [the Lord God] because of their agency’ [D&C 29:36; italics added]. Even with the possibility of their eternal damnation, Heavenly Father would not take their agency from them. To do so would be counter to eternal law. As a result of their rebelliousness, Lucifer and his followers were cast out of heaven and forfeited the blessings of eternal life.”

(“Our Moral Agency,” Ensign, Mar. 1996, 30–31.)

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