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Daily “Come, Follow Me” Scripture and Quote – Doctrine and Covenants, Lesson 8, Day 4

By February 17, 2022No Comments

“To Preach the Gospel and Save Souls Is the Thing of Most Worth”

Doctrine and Covenants 16:1–6

1 Hearken, my servant Peter, and listen to the words of Jesus Christ, your Lord and your Redeemer.
2 For behold, I speak unto you with sharpness and with power, for mine arm is over all the earth.
3 And I will tell you that which no man knoweth save me and thee alone—
4 For many times you have desired of me to know that which would be of the most worth unto you.
5 Behold, blessed are you for this thing, and for speaking my words which I have given unto you according to my commandments.
6 And now, behold, I say unto you, that the thing which will be of the most worth unto you will be to declare repentance unto this people, that you may bring souls unto me, that you may rest with them in the kingdom of my Father. Amen.

Elder Hyrum M. Smith and Janne M. Sjödahl wrote:

“Peter Whitmer Jr. was the fifth son of Peter Whitmer. He was baptized in the month of June 1829, and in September 1830 he was called to the ministry. The following month he was sent to accompany Elders Parley P. Pratt, Oliver Cowdery, and Ziba Peterson on a mission to the Lamanites [see D&C 32]. Peter Whitmer [Jr.] took an active part with the Saints in Jackson County and Clay County. He died on a farm about two miles from Liberty, Clay County, Sept. 22nd, 1836. He was one of the Eight Witnesses to the Book of Mormon, and one of the original six founders of the Church, and he remained faithful to the last. This revelation is identical with section 15.”

(The Doctrine and Covenants Commentary, rev. ed. [1951], 76.)

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