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Daily “Come, Follow Me” Scripture and Quote – Doctrine and Covenants, Lesson 33, Day 7

By August 14, 2022No Comments

“Establish . . . a House of God”

Doctrine and Covenants 88:119

119 Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God . . .

Elder Gary E. Stevenson said:

“In order to keep the temple and those who attend it sacred and worthy, the Lord has established standards through His servants, the prophets. We may be well-advised to consider together, in family council, standards for our homes to keep them sacred and to allow them to be a ‘house of the Lord.’ The admonition to ‘establish . . . a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God’ [D&C 88:119] provides divine insight into the type of home the Lord would have us build. Doing such begins the construction of a ‘spiritual mansion’ in which we all may reside regardless of our worldly circumstance.”

(“Sacred Homes, Sacred Temples,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2009, 102.)

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