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Daily “Come, Follow Me” Scripture and Quote – Doctrine and Covenants, Lesson 47, Day 4

By November 17, 2022No Comments

“By the Hands of the Servants of the Lord, Even the Children of Ephraim”

Doctrine and Covenants 133:30–34

30 And they shall bring forth their rich treasures unto the children of Ephraim, my servants.
31 And the boundaries of the everlasting hills shall tremble at their presence.
32 And there shall they fall down and be crowned with glory, even in Zion, by the hands of the servants of the Lord, even the children of Ephraim.
33 And they shall be filled with songs of everlasting joy.
34 Behold, this is the blessing of the everlasting God upon the tribes of Israel, and the richer blessing upon the head of Ephraim and his fellows.

President Joseph Fielding Smith said:

“The Lord called upon the descendants of Ephraim to commence His work in the earth in these last days. . . . The keys are with Ephraim. It is Ephraim who is to be endowed with power to bless and give to the other tribes . . . their blessings.”

(Doctrines of Salvation, comp. Bruce R. McConkie, 3 vols. [1954–56], 2:250–51; see also D&C 113:5–6.)

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