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Daily “Come, Follow Me” Scripture and Quote – Book of Mormon, Lesson 32, Day 3

By August 3, 2022No Comments

Captain Moroni Taught Important Doctrine about Why the Lord Allows the Righteous to Die in Battle

Alma 60:13

13 For the Lord suffereth the righteous to be slain that his justice and judgment may come upon the wicked; therefore ye need not suppose that the righteous are lost because they are slain; but behold, they do enter into the rest of the Lord their God.

President Harold B. Lee said:

“Recently I received a letter from parents in California whose son had written home just before last Christmas and then shortly thereafter his life was taken in the war in Vietnam. This is part of what he wrote: ‘War is an ugly thing, a vicious thing. It makes men do things they would not normally do. It breaks up families, causes immorality, cheating, and much hatred. It is not the glorious John Wayne type thing you see in the movies. It is going a month without a shower and a change of clothing. It is fear creeping up your spine when you hear a mortar tube in the jungle. It is not being able to get close enough to the ground when coming under enemy fire; hearing your buddy cry out because of being ripped with a hot piece of shrapnel. You . . . be proud of your American citizenship, because many brave and valiant men are here preserving your freedom. God has given you the gift of a free nation, and it is the duty of each of you to help in whatever way you can to preserve it. America is the protector of our Church, which is dearer to me than life itself.’ And then this young man said this very significant thing: ‘I realize now that I have already received the greatest gift of all, and that is the opportunity to gain exaltation and eternal life. If you have this gift, nothing else really matters.’”

(“From the Valley of Despair to the Mountain Peaks of Hope,” memorial service address, May 30, 1971, quoted in New Era, Aug. 1971, 5–6.)

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