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Daily “Come, Follow Me” Scripture and Quote – Book of Mormon, Lesson 27, Day 4

By June 30, 2022January 10th, 2023No Comments

Korihor Demands a Sign That Will Prove God’s Existence

Alma 30:43

43 And now Korihor said unto Alma: If thou wilt show me a sign, that I may be convinced that there is a God, yea, show unto me that he hath power, and then will I be convinced of the truth of thy words.

President Boyd K. Packer said:

“In a world filled with skepticism and doubt, the expression ‘seeing is believing’ promotes the attitude, ‘You show me, and then I will believe.’ We want all of the proof and all of the evidence first. It seems hard to take things on faith. When will we learn that in spiritual things it works the other way about—that believing is seeing? Spiritual belief precedes spiritual knowledge. When we believe in things that are not seen but are nevertheless true, then we have faith.”

(In Faith [1983], 43.)

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