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Book of MormonDaily Posting“Come, Follow Me”Post Type

Daily “Come, Follow Me” Scripture and Quote – Book of Mormon, Lesson 42, Day 1

By October 10, 2022No Comments

At Age 15, Mormon Was Visited by the Lord

Mormon 1:15

15 And I, being fifteen years of age and being somewhat of a sober mind, therefore I was visited of the Lord, and tasted and knew of the goodness of Jesus.

President Joseph Fielding Smith said:

“We may . . . conclude that Mormon received the priesthood at a very tender age. He was only ten years old when Ammaron counseled him and placed in him the wonderful trust as guardian of the sacred plates. Moreover, when he was fifteen years of age he had a visitation by the Lord and ‘. . . tasted and knew of the goodness of Jesus’ (Mormon 1:2–4, 15).”

(Answers to Gospel Questions, comp. Joseph Fielding Smith Jr., 5 vols. [1957–66], 2:9–10.)

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