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Daily “Come, Follow Me” Scripture and Quote – Book of Mormon, Lesson 49, Day 5

By December 2, 2022No Comments

“Every Good Gift Cometh of Christ”

Moroni 10:18

18 And I would exhort you, my beloved brethren, that ye remember that every good gift cometh of Christ.

President James E. Faust said:

“. . . [P]atriarchal blessings and other blessings testify of the divinity of Christ and the truthfulness of the Church. These sacred blessings also strengthen the lives of those worthy persons who receive such blessings. Thus, father’s blessings, patriarchal blessings, and other blessings are a remarkable privilege which can come to faithful members with sufficient maturity to understand the nature and importance of the blessings. These individualized priesthood blessings are a powerful witness of the love of the Lord Jesus Christ in seeking to bring exaltation to each of us. They are our personal revelation from God.

“Our blessings can encourage us when we are discouraged, strengthen us when we are fearful, comfort us when we sorrow, give us courage when we are filled with anxiety, and lift us up when we are weak in spirit. Our testimonies can be strengthened every time we read our patriarchal blessings.

“. . . [W]e can become stronger, our talents and ability can be magnified and multiplied, our understanding can be greatly enlarged, and our spirituality can flower. Moroni taught that ‘every good gift cometh of Christ’ [Moroni 10:18]. But the Lord said, ‘What doth it profit a man if a gift is bestowed upon him, and he receive not the gift?’ [D&C 88:33].

“I humbly and prayerfully urge any who for any reason may not have lived so as to realize a fulfillment of the priesthood blessings pronounced upon them to so order their lives as to reclaim those blessings.

“I charge the faithful members of this church to seek to understand the full significance of your blessings. Gifts may have been bestowed upon you of which you are unaware. These gifts can be of both a profoundly spiritual and temporal nature. I pray that we may all receive our gifts.

“In so doing, our understanding, our faith, and our testimony in the Lord Jesus Christ will be increased.”

(“Priesthood Blessings,” Ensign, Nov. 1995, 64.)

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