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Daily “Come, Follow Me” Scripture and Quote – Church History, Lesson 35, Day 7

By August 28, 2022No Comments

Many marveled because of Joseph Smith’s death, but it was needful that he should seal his testimony with his blood, that he might be honored and that the wicked might be condemned.

Doctrine and Covenants 136:37–39

37 . . . [Y]e can not yet bear my glory; but ye shall behold it if ye are faithful in keeping all my words that I have given you, from the days of Adam to Abraham, from Abraham to Moses, from Moses to Jesus and his apostles, and from Jesus and his apostles to Joseph Smith, whom I did call upon by mine angels, my ministering servants, and by mine own voice out of the heavens, to bring forth my work;
38 Which foundation he did lay, and was faithful; and I took him to myself.
39 Many have marveled because of his death; but it was needful that he should seal his testimony with his blood, that he might be honored and the wicked might be condemned.

Elder Milton R. Hunter said:

“He [the Prophet Joseph Smith] began his career as a prophet with the glorious vision of the Father and the Son and ended his earthly career with the name of Deity on his lips. As did the Savior of the world, he sealed his testimony with his blood. Regarding Joseph’s death, God revealed to Brigham Young the following:

“‘Many have marveled because of his death; but it was needful that he should seal his testimony with his blood, that he might be honored and the wicked might be condemned’ (D&C 136:39).

“And like all of the great and holy prophets of old, the Prophet Joseph, being dead, yet lives on forever. . . .

“From the bottom of my heart I want to bear my testimony that I know that Joseph Smith was one of the greatest prophets that ever lived upon this earth. May the Spirit of God be with you and me that we might live according to the teachings that he gave us, I humbly pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.”

(In Conference Report, Apr. 1948, 32.)

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