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Daily “Come, Follow Me” Scripture and Quote – Church History, Lesson 47, Day 3

By November 16, 2022No Comments

The Building Up of Zion

Doctrine and Covenants 82:14–15

14 For Zion must increase in beauty, and in holiness; her borders must be enlarged; her stakes must be strengthened; yea, verily I say unto you, Zion must arise and put on her beautiful garments.
15 Therefore, I give unto you this commandment, that ye bind yourselves by this covenant, and it shall be done according to the laws of the Lord.

Elder Bruce R. McConkie wrote:

“Zion in the limited sense of the word, meaning the New Jerusalem, will be built in Jackson County, Missouri, in due course as the Lord shall direct. Zion in the broad and general sense of the word, meaning the church and kingdom of God on earth, which does or should consist of the pure in heart, is in process of being built up in one part of the earth after another as rapidly as our strength and means permit. Whenever the growth of the Church in any area is sufficient, a stake of Zion is organized, thus making that area, in the general sense of the word, a part of Zion. The gathering of Israel is to Zion and her stakes, and since Zion proper is yet to be built, the gathering of Israel as of now is into the stakes of Zion wherever they may be. ‘For Zion must increase in beauty, and in holiness; her borders must be enlarged; her stakes must be strengthened; yea, verily I say unto you, Zion must arise and put on her beautiful garments’ (D&C 82:14).”

(A New Witness for the Articles of Faith [1985], 578.)

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