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Daily “Come, Follow Me” Scripture and Quote – Doctrine and Covenants, Lesson 45, Day 5

By November 4, 2022No Comments

“Baptism for Your Dead”

Doctrine and Covenants 127:5

5 And again, I give unto you a word in relation to the baptism for your dead.

Elder David A. Bednar said:

“I encourage you to study, to search out your ancestors, and to prepare yourselves to perform proxy baptisms in the house of the Lord for your kindred dead (see D&C 124:28–36). And I urge you to help other people identify their family histories.

“As you respond in faith to this invitation, your hearts shall turn to the fathers. The promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will be implanted in your hearts. Your patriarchal blessing, with its declaration of lineage, will link you to these fathers and be more meaningful to you. Your love and gratitude for your ancestors will increase. Your testimony of and conversion to the Savior will become deep and abiding. And I promise you will be protected against the intensifying influence of the adversary. As you participate in and love this holy work, you will be safeguarded in your youth and throughout your lives.”

(“The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2011, 26–27.)

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