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Daily “Come, Follow Me” Scripture and Quote – Doctrine and Covenants, Lesson 5, Day 1

By January 24, 2022No Comments

“Seek Not for Riches But for Wisdom”

Doctrine and Covenants 6:7

7 Seek not for riches but for wisdom, and behold, the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto you, and then shall you be made rich. Behold, he that hath eternal life is rich.

President Ezra Taft Benson said:

“In Proverbs we read: ‘Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding’ [Proverbs 3:13].

“This same Jesus who increased in wisdom declared to a modern prophet: ‘Seek not for riches but for wisdom, and behold, the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto you, and then shall you be rich’ (D&C 6:7).

“It was once thought, and still is in some places, that when a young man sets out upon a quest for academic knowledge, his faith in God would soon be destroyed. Our youth generally are living proof to the contrary. It is not the search for knowledge—nor knowledge itself—that costs a man his faith. It is rather the conceit of small minds proving anew that a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. It is intellectual pride that leads one to think he is self-sufficient in matters of mind and of spirit. Let us ever realize the vast difference that exists between discovery of the truth and the custodian of all truth. The one is human; the other is divine.”

(In Conference Report, Apr. 1966, 128–29.)

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