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Daily Posting“Come, Follow Me”New TestamentPost Type

Daily “Come, Follow Me” Scripture and Quote – New Testament, Lesson 17, Day 1

By April 18, 2022January 11th, 2023No Comments

Truth May Be Known through Obedience

John 7:14–17

14 Now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple, and taught.
15 And the Jews marvelled, saying, How knoweth this man letters, having never learned?
16 Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.
17 If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.

President David O. McKay said:

“One day, when He bore testimony to His divinity, that His teachings were of God, the Pharisees and others around Him said, ‘How knoweth this man letters, having never learned?’ How do we know (that was their question), that you are divine? And He gave a simple answer: ‘If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself’ (John 7:15, 17). There is a definite answer—a clear-cut statement . . . : ‘If ye will do the will, ye shall know.’ And, ‘to know God, and Jesus Christ, whom he has sent, is eternal life’ [see John 17:3].”

(In Conference Report, Oct. 1953, 89.)

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