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Faith Can Move Mountains

By April 20, 2013No Comments

faithcanmovemountainsFaith Can Move Mountains

Hello, I’m Michelle, a writer here at Making Precious Things Plain. I’m working on a Relief Society lesson this weekend titled, “Search Me, O God, and Know My Heart” in the Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Lorenzo Snow manual. I love how the lesson talks about how we can improve our character through faith so that we can stand clean before God. He tells us, “It would be well to examine ourselves, hold communion with ourselves
in the secret closet, to ascertain how we stand before the Lord.” 
A great supplement talk for this lesson is Richard G. Scott’s October 2010 Conference Address titled, “The Transforming Power of Faith and Character.” In this talk I am reminded that faith is a true power on this earth — such an easy concept for me to understand, yet so hard to implement.  I love this quote, “When faith is properly understood and used, it has dramatically
far-reaching effects. Such faith can transform an individual’s life from
maudlin, common everyday activities to a symphony of joy and happiness.
The exercise of faith is vital to Father in Heaven’s plan of happiness.”
It’s so easy to have fear in this world, but we know that faith and fear cannot coexist. In a 2009 April Conference talk titled “Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ,” Elder Kevin W. Pearson of the Quorum of the Seventy tells us about “6 Destructive Ds” that can wipe out our faith: DOUBT, which leads to DISCOURAGEMENT, which leads to DISTRACTION, which leads to LACK OF DILIGENCE, which leads to DISOBEDIENCE, which leads to DISBELIEF. I have seen myself on a roller coaster of fear and doubt many times in my life, but thankfully I am reminded in my patriarchal blessing that Faith Can Move Mountains. It helps me to be believing and gives me hope!
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