Lesson Plans

Showing 25–36 of 159 results

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 25, Lesson Plan


    Book of Mormon Lesson 25, Lesson Plan: Great Destruction; Christ Descends and Teaches Beatitudes (3 Nephi 6-14).

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 26, Lesson Plan


    Book of Mormon Lesson 26, Lesson Plan: Christ Teaches, Heals, Blesses, and Prays (3 Nephi 15-21).

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 27, Lesson Plan


    Book of Mormon Lesson 27, Lesson Plan: Three Nephites, A Zion People, then Decline (Isaiah 543 Nephi 22 to 4 Nephi).

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 28, Lesson Plan


    Book of Mormon Lesson 28, Lesson Plan: Mormon’s Final Teachings (Mormon 1-7, Moroni 9).

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 29, Lesson Plan


    Book of Mormon Lesson 29, Lesson Plan: The Rise and Fall of the Jaredites (Ether 1-15).

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 30, Lesson Plan


    Book of Mormon Lesson 30, Lesson Plan: Moroni’s Teachings and Testimony (Mormon 8-9, Moroni 1-8, 10).

  • Church History Lesson 01, Lesson Plan


    Church HIstory Lesson 01, Lesson Plan: A Preface to the Final Dispensation of Christ (D&C Intro, D&C 1).

  • Church History Lesson 02, Lesson Plan


    Church HIstory Lesson 02, Lesson Plan: Pre-Restoration, the First Vision, Moroni Appears (1805-27JSH 1-54, D&C 2).

  • Church History Lesson 03, Lesson Plan


    Church HIstory Lesson 03, Lesson Plan: BOM Transcript, Manuscripts & Publication (1827-30JSH 55-68, D&C 3, 5, 10).

  • Church History Lesson 04, Lesson Plan


    Church HIstory Lesson 04, Lesson Plan: Revelation, Priesthood, & Witnesses (1829-30JSH 69-75, D&C 6-9, 13, 17).

  • Church History Lesson 05, Lesson Plan


    Church HIstory Lesson 05, Lesson Plan: First Principles, Spiritual Gifts, Church Organized (1830D&C 19-24, 26-28).

  • Church History Lesson 06, Lesson Plan


    Church HIstory Lesson 06, Lesson Plan: Revelation to Individuals; the JST (1830-31D&C 4, 11-18, 25, 30-36).