Lesson Plans

Showing 37–48 of 159 results

  • Church History Lesson 07, Lesson Plan


    Church HIstory Lesson 07, Lesson Plan: Kirtland, Gathering, the Law, Second Coming (1831D&C 37-45, 29).

  • Church History Lesson 08, Lesson Plan


    Church HIstory Lesson 08, Lesson Plan: Spiritual Gifts, Obedience, the Land of Zion (1831D&C 46-62).

  • Church History Lesson 09, Lesson Plan


    Church HIstory Lesson 09, Lesson Plan: Rebuking Sin; the Book of Commandments (1831-32D&C 63-75, 77, 133).

  • Church History Lesson 10, Lesson Plan


    Church HIstory Lesson 10, Lesson Plan: Kingdoms of Glory; the Law of Consecration (1832D&C 76, 78, 82-83, 104, 137).

  • Church History Lesson 11, Lesson Plan


    Church HIstory Lesson 11, Lesson Plan: Persecution, Priesthood, and Prophecies (1832D&C 79-81, 84-87, 90, 99).

  • Church History Lesson 12, Lesson Plan


    Church HIstory Lesson 12, Lesson Plan: The Olive Leaf Revelation; the Word of Wisdom (1833D&C 88-89).

  • Church History Lesson 13, Lesson Plan


    Church HIstory Lesson 13, Lesson Plan: Jackson County Expulsion and Zion’s Camp (1833-34D&C 97-98, 101, 103, 105).

  • Church History Lesson 14, Lesson Plan


    Church HIstory Lesson 14, Lesson Plan: Apostles; Councils; Truth; Government (1833-35D&C 91-93, 100, 102, 106-108, 134).

  • Church History Lesson 15, Lesson Plan


    Church HIstory Lesson 15, Lesson Plan: The Kirtland Temple Built and Dedicated (1836D&C 94-96, 109-110, 137).

  • Church History Lesson 16, Lesson Plan


    Church HIstory Lesson 16, Lesson Plan: The Kirtland Apostasy; Missions of the Twelve (1836-38D&C 111-112).

  • Church History Lesson 17, Lesson Plan


    Church HIstory Lesson 17, Lesson Plan: Escape to Missouri; Zion’s Future; Tithing (1838D&C 113-120).

  • Church History Lesson 18, Lesson Plan


    Church HIstory Lesson 18, Lesson Plan: Missouri Conflicts; Expulsion; Refugees in Illinois (1838-39D&C 121-123).