PowerPoint Presentations

Showing 1–12 of 161 results

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 01, PowerPoint


    Book of Mormon Lesson 01, PowerPoint: Introduction – The Keystone of Our Religion.

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 02, PowerPoint


    Book of Mormon Lesson 02, PowerPoint: Revelation, Obedience, Tree of Life (1 Nephi 1-10).

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 03, PowerPoint


    Book of Mormon Lesson 03, PowerPoint: Nephi’s Visions, Adversity, Righteousness (1 Nephi 11-19, 22).

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 04, PowerPoint


    Book of Mormon Lesson 04, PowerPoint: Lehi Blesses, Nephites Depart, Jacob Teaches (2 Nephi 1-6, 9-10).

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 05, PowerPoint


    Book of Mormon Lesson 05, PowerPoint: Interpreting Isaiah (Isaiah 48-511 Nephi 20-21, 2 Nephi 7-8).

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 06, PowerPoint


    Book of Mormon Lesson 06, PowerPoint: Isaiah in the Book of Mormon (Isaiah 2-142 Nephi 11-25).

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 07, PowerPoint


    Book of Mormon Lesson 07, PowerPoint: Nephi’s Prophecies and Testimony (2 Nephi 26-33).

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 08, PowerPoint


    Book of Mormon Lesson 08, PowerPoint: Jacob and the Allegory of Zenos (Jacob 1-7).

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 09, PowerPoint


    Book of Mormon Lesson 09, PowerPoint: Personal Prayer and God’s Foreknowledge (Enos to Words of Mormon).

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 10, PowerPoint


    Book of Mormon Lesson 10, PowerPoint: King Benjamin’s Final Sermon (Mosiah 1-6).

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 11, PowerPoint


    Book of Mormon Lesson 11, PowerPoint: Zeniff, Noah, Abinadi, and Alma (Isaiah 53Mosiah 9-17).

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 12, PowerPoint


    Book of Mormon Lesson 12, PowerPoint: Nephite Bondage and Liberation (Mosiah 7-8, 18-24).