
Showing 1–12 of 20 results

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 07, Audio Lecture


    Book of Mormon Lesson 07, Audio – Lecture Recording: Nephi’s Prophecies and Testimony (2 Nephi 26-33). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-02-22

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 07, Handout Packet


    Book of Mormon Lesson 07, Handout Packet: Nephi’s Prophecies and Testimony (2 Nephi 26-33).

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 07, Lesson Plan


    Book of Mormon Lesson 07, Lesson Plan: Nephi’s Prophecies and Testimony (2 Nephi 26-33).

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 07, PowerPoint


    Book of Mormon Lesson 07, PowerPoint: Nephi’s Prophecies and Testimony (2 Nephi 26-33).

  • Church History Lesson 07, Audio Lecture


    Church HIstory Lesson 07, Audio – Lecture Recording: Kirtland, Gathering, the Law, Second Coming (1831D&C 37-45, 29). Recorded lecture delivered on 2009-02-25

  • Church HIstory Lesson 07, Handout Packet


    Church HIstory Lesson 07, Handout Packet: Kirtland, Gathering, the Law, Second Coming (1831D&C 37-45, 29).

  • Church History Lesson 07, Lesson Plan


    Church HIstory Lesson 07, Lesson Plan: Kirtland, Gathering, the Law, Second Coming (1831D&C 37-45, 29).

  • Church History Lesson 07, PowerPoint


    Church HIstory Lesson 07, PowerPoint: Kirtland, Gathering, the Law, Second Coming (1831D&C 37-45, 29).

  • New Testament Lesson 07, Audio Lecture


    New Testament Lesson 07, Audio – Lecture Recording: Teaching with Parables (Mt 13, 18-25; Mk 4, 12-13; Lk 8, 10, 12-21). (Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-0309)

  • New Testament Lesson 07, Handout Packet


    New Testament Lesson 07, Handout Packet: Teaching with Parables (Mt 13, 18-25; Mk 4, 12-13; Lk 8, 10, 12-21).

  • New Testament Lesson 07, Lesson Plan


    New Testament Lesson 07, Lesson Plan: Teaching with Parables (Mt 13, 18-25; Mk 4, 12-13; Lk 8, 10, 12-21).

  • New Testament Lesson 07, PowerPoint


    New Testament Lesson 07, PowerPoint: Teaching with Parables (Mt 13, 18-25; Mk 4, 12-13; Lk 8, 10, 12-21).