
Showing all 5 results

  • Book of Mormon Study Guide, Pt. 1: 1 Nephi to Mosiah


    This includes the journey of Lehi and his family across the Arabian Peninsula to Bountiful. It follows them on to the promised land, where the Nephites and Lamanites separated. It contains the marvelous prophesies of Lehi, Nephi, and Jacob.

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  • Old Testament Lesson 14, Audio Lecture


    Old Testament Lesson 14, Audio – Lecture Recording: Israel Enters the Promised Land (Joshua). Recorded lecture delivered on 2010-05-26

  • Old Testament Lesson 14, Handout Packet


    Old Testament Lesson 14, Handout Packet: Israel Enters the Promised Land (Joshua).

  • Old Testament Lesson 14, PowerPoint


    Old Testament Lesson 14, PowerPoint: Israel Enters the Promised Land (Joshua).

  • Old Testament Study Guide, Pt. 2: Deuteronomy to Solomon


    We read Moses’ counsel to his people during the final days before his translation. We follow the children of Israel into the Promised Land under the leadership of Joshua, beginning at Jericho and ending with the total conquering of all the lands promised to Abraham. We are introduced to the Judge-Heroes, including but not limited to Gideon, Deborah, and Samson. We read of the rise of the prophet Samuel and reigns of Saul, David, and Solomon.

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