Week Date Posted Lesson Lesson Date Lesson Title
1 12/26/2022 1 01/01/2023 This Is My Work and My Glory
2 01/02/2023 2 01/08/2023 “In the Beginning God Created the Heaven and the Earth”
3 01/09/2023 3 01/15/2023 “The Fall of Adam and Eve”
4 01/16/2023 4 01/22/2023 “Teach These Things Freely Unto Your Children”
5 01/23/2023 5 01/29/2023 “The Lord Called His People Zion”
6 01/30/2023 6 02/05/2023 “Noah Found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord”
7 02/06/2023 7 02/12/2023 “To Be a Greater Follower of Righteousness”
8 02/13/2023 8 02/19/2023 “Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord?”
9 02/20/2023 9 02/26/2023 “The Covenant Is Renewed”
10 02/27/2023 10 03/05/2023 “Surely the Lord Is in this Place”
11 03/06/2023 11 03/12/2023 “The Lord Was With Joseph”
12 03/13/2023 12 03/19/2023 “God Meant It Unto Good”
13 03/20/2023 13 03/26/2023 “I Have Remembered My Covenant”
14 03/27/2023 14 04/02/2023 “Remember This Day In Which Ye Came Out of Egypt’”
15 04/03/2023 15 04/09/2023 “He Will Swallow Up Death In Victory” (Easter)
16 04/10/2023 16 04/16/2023 “Stand Still, and See the Salvation of the Lord”
17 04/17/2023 17 04/23/2023 “All That the Lord Hath Spoken We Will Do”
18 04/24/2023 18 04/30/2023 “My Presence Shall Go With Thee”
19 05/01/2023 19 05/07/2023 “Holiness to the Lord”
20 05/08/2023 20 05/14/2023 “Rebel Not Ye Against the Lord, Nor Fear”
21 05/15/2023 21 05/21/2023 “Beware Lest Thou Forget the Lord”
22 05/22/2023 22 05/28/2023 “Be Strong and of a Good Courage”
23 05/29/2023 23 06/04/2023 “The Lord Raised Up A Deliverer”
24 06/05/2023 24 06/11/2023 “My Heart Rejoiceth in the Lord”
25 06/12/2023 25 06/18/2023 “The Battle Is the Lord’s”
26 06/19/2023 26 06/25/2023 “Thy Kingdom Shall Be Established Forever”
27 06/26/2023 27 07/02/2023 “If the Lord Be God, Follow Him”
28 07/03/2023 28 07/09/2023 “There Is A Prophet In Israel”
29 07/10/2023 29 07/16/2023 “He Trusted in the Lord God of Israel”
30 07/17/2023 30 07/23/2023 “I Am Doing a Great Work”
31 07/24/2023 31 07/30/2023 “Thou Art Come . . . For Such a Time As This” (Esther)
32 07/31/2023 32 08/06/2023 “Yet Will I Trust In Him”
33 08/07/2023 33 08/13/2023 “The Lord Is My Shepherd”
34 08/14/2023 34 08/20/2023 “I Will Declare What He Hath Done For My Soul”
35 08/21/2023 35 08/27/2023 “Let Everything That Hath Breath Praise the Lord”
36 08/28/2023 36 09/03/2023 “The Fear of the Lord Is the Beginning of Wisdom”
37 09/04/2023 37 09/10/2023 “God Is My Salvation”
38 09/11/2023 38 09/17/2023 “A Marvelous Work and a Wonder”
39 09/18/2023 39 09/24/2023 “Comfort Ye My People”
40 09/25/2023 40 10/01/2023 “He Hath Borne Our Griefs, and Carried Our Sorrows”
41 10/02/2023 41 10/08/2023 “The Redeemer Shall Come To Zion”
42 10/09/2023 42 10/15/2023 “Before I Formed Thee In the Belly I Knew Thee”
43 10/16/2023 43 10/22/2023 “I Will Turn Their Mourning Into Joy”
44 10/23/2023 44 10/29/2023 “A New Spirit Will I Put Within You”
45 10/30/2023 45 11/05/2023 There Is No Other God That Can Deliver”
46 11/06/2023 46 11/12/2023 “I Will Love Them Freely”
47 11/13/2023 47 11/19/2023 “Seek the Lord, and Ye Shall Live”
48 11/20/2023 48 11/26/2023 “He Delighteth In Mercy”
49 11/27/2023 49 12/03/2023 “His Ways Are Everlasting”
50 12/04/2023 50 12/10/2023 “Holiness Unto the Lord”