Book of Mormon Study Guides, Pts. 1-3


Book of Mormon Study Guides, Pts. 1-3. A companion to your study of the Book of Mormon, the Book of Mormon Study Guides from the Making Precious Things Plain Series are a rich resource for teachers, students, and gospel scholars alike. In these three volumes full of supplemental material, Dr. Randal Chase, a veteran Institute and “Come, Follow Me” teacher, shares years of insights into the scriptures by exploring scriptural symbolism, background, culture, and chronology, as well as the words and teachings of gospel authorities. These unique study guides of the Book of Mormon provide new depth and understanding to the scriptures.

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Book of Mormon Study Guides, Pts. 1-3. A companion to your study of the Book of Mormon, the Book of Mormon Study Guides from the Making Precious Things Plain Series are a rich resource for teachers, students, and gospel scholars alike. In these three volumes full of supplemental material, Dr. Randal Chase, a veteran Institute and “Come, Follow Me” teacher, shares years of insights into the scriptures by exploring scriptural symbolism, background, culture, and chronology, as well as the words and teachings of gospel authorities. These unique study guides of the Book of Mormon provide new depth and understanding to the scriptures. Readers will enjoy Dr. Chase’s relaxed style and easy presentation as they gather information, clarification, and quotes that can be used for either private study or public speaking. A welcome addition to any library, these guides will broaden your comprehension of this “Another Testament of Christ,” which Joseph Smith called “the keystone of our religion.” Dr. Chase has also released 3 volumes each on Church History, the Old Testament, and the New Testament.


Table of Contents:

Ch. Title (Scripture Refs)

1. Intro to the Book of Mormon: Keystone
2. Revelation, Obedience, & Brass Plates (1 Nephi 1–7)
3. The Meaning of the Tree of life (1 Nephi 8–12, 15)
4. Nephi’s Prophetic Visions (1 Nephi 12–14)
5. The Journey to the New World (1 Nephi 16–22)
6. Lehi’s Final Blessings and Teachings (2 Nephi 1–2)
7. Joseph & Restoration; Nephites Depart (2 Nephi 3–5)
8. The Early Teachings of Jacob (2 Nephi 6–10)

** Interpreting Isaiah (1Ne20–21;2Ne7–8;Isa48–51)

9. Isaiah in the Book of Mormon (2 Ne 11–24; Isa 2–14)
10. The Prophecies of Nephi (2 Nephi 25–30)
11. The Doctrine of Christ (2 Nephi 31–33)
12. Jacob’s Teachings at the Temple (Jacob 1–4)
13. Zenos’ Allegory of the Olive Trees (Jacob 5–7)
14. Prayer; God’s Foreknowledge (Enos,Jarom,Omni,W.Mormon)
15. King Benjamin’s Final Sermon (Mosiah 1–3)
16. The People’s Great Conversion (Mosiah 4–6)
17. Zeniff & Noah in the Land of Nephi (Mosiah 7-11)
18. Abinadi’s Message and Death (Mosiah 12-17)
19. Nephite Bondage and Liberation (Mosiah 18-24)
** Special chapter providing additional information


Table of Contents:

Ch. Title (Scripture Refs)

20. Alma’s Conversion (Mosiah25-28,Alma36)
21. Reign of Judges Begins (Mosiah 29, Alma 1-4)
22. Alma’s Spiritual Checklist (Alma 5-7)
23. Alma & Amulek in Ammonihah (Alma 8-12)
24. Priesthood, Persecution, Prophecy (Alma 13-16)
25. The Missions of the Sons of Mosiah (Alma 17–22)
26. Book of Mormon Geography/Anti-Nephi-Lehies (Alma 22–29)
27. Korihor and the Zoramites (Alma 30–31)
28. Nourishing the Word with Faith (Alma 32–35)
29. Alma’s Letters to His Sons (Alma 36–39)
30. The Great Plan of Happiness (Alma 40–42)
31. Captain Moroni and the Causes of War (Alma 43–52)
32. Stripling Warriors/Moroni-Pahoran Letters (Alma 53-63)


Table of Contents:

Ch. Title (Scripture Refs)

33. Gadianton Robbers & Ministry of Nephi/Lehi (Helaman 1–5)
34. The Nephite Pride Cycle (Helaman 6–12)
35. Samuel the Lamanite (Helaman 13–16)
36. Nephi Departs; Christ Is Born (3 Nephi 1–7)
37. Great Destruction & Christ Appears (3 Nephi 8-11)
38. Christ Teaches the Beatitudes (3 Nephi 12-15)
39. Christ Heals, Blesses, and Prays (3 Nephi 17-19)
40. Christ Teaches About the Gathering (3 Nephi 16,20-21)
41. Christ Expounds the Scriptures (3 Nephi 22-26)
42. Christ Departs; Zion; Nephites Decline (3 Ne 27-30, 4 Ne)
43. Mormon’s Final Teachings (Mormon1-6, Moroni9)
44. Moroni Finishes Mormon’s Record (Mormon 7-9)
45. The Brother of Jared (Ether 1-6)
46. Jaredites in the Promised Land (Ether 7-15)
47. Moroni’s Teachings & Ordinances (Moroni 1-6)
48. Moroni’s Final Witness and Testimony (Moroni 7-8, 10)

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